Tuesday, December 27, 2011



Sound images life. The song of birds, the wind in the trees (and chimes), the roar of the ocean and the fire crackling of the sun, the voices of the earth. These create the dream in which we live, they are the music of the living. We are singing life, we are moving moments, we are exalting existence. Through visions and song, sense and being and connection, we are creation itself. Every sound is a dream and every dream tells a story. Every story is a moment stilled, an image created, a time and place that simply is, a string that bonds us, subject to sentient subject, to listen to its words. The story of life is calling us to dream it to becoming, that we ourselves may become. The dream is asking to be dreamt. The creation is singing that it may be. Its wind whispers, its sun screams, its oceans hum, its voices chant. The song of birds and trees and voices rise, saying “we are alive, we are alive, we are alive, and together, we are one”. Together we are home. Together we are. And so it is. And so it was. And so it shall be. I hear truth when it speaks saying listen and so mote I see.

Brightly-sun blessings,
Lady Faemore


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