Friday, January 6, 2012



I am the maiden. I am the girl, eternally young. I am the beginning of life, I am the birth of the circle, of the spiral, the first movement, the first tender touch, the first awareness of divinity. I am that which is becoming everlasting. I am the being growing into being. I am the dawn of the day in the night. I am the new. I am the child. I image the moment life starts to evolve, I image the moment of life first living. I am the beginning.

I am the mother. I am the woman, forever nurturing, forever begetting, forever growing. I am the growing, the becoming, the progress past the beginning into the future, into the end. I am the birther, the circle itself, the life. I am the continuity of life, of fresh starts, first movements, the moment in which life spirals onward, to produce more life. I am being. I am the being. I am the evening and the autumn of wisdom and of death and rebirth. I am life. I am the giver of being. I am the mother. I am growth, evolution, being, becoming, the production of life and the living. I am full. I was becoming. Now I lessen. I wane.

I am the crone. I am the old woman. I am eternity. I am the end. I am the demise, the death. I am that which is waning, dying. I am the last, only to be first. I am the end of the cycle of rebirth and life and living. I am everlasting, I am what has become. I am the last of being; the dusk and the night, the hearth of the dead. I am old. I am the wise. I image decay and nothingness, devolution. I am the taker of life; welcoming the deceased, delivering the spirit through the night of death, across death’s flood. I am the darkness, the regression into the Mother’s womb; the bearer of the Maiden’s light; the light of rebirth. The final moments. The culmination of motion and movement. The cessation of being. The last spiral of the cycle. The end of the beginning. I am the end. I am the wisdom gathered and the life spent. The ending of the day, the night from which the dawn shall be birthed, yet I am death, taking the dawn away, dragging the being under. I am the reaper, the underbelly of life and the living. The final aspect of life’s symbolism, death’s bearer.

Brightly-spun blessings,
Wonder woven joys,
Lady Faemore Lorei


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