Saturday, January 14, 2012



In the quiet of the night the stars sing. The music they make speaks of ancient times, present wonders and worlds still yet to come. They twinkle with throbbing pulse, sparkle with swelling voice, and shine with all the glory of their song. With a single refrain they conjure forth reveries. With the simplest melody they call into being our desires. And as their bright, silvery notes lift us farther and further into mythic realms of recurring whens and distant otherwheres, we can see their smiles, and hear their laughter and touch that joyous society if only when in harmony with our own human heart. Through the composition of their starry chants they connect with us, gifting us with the loveliness of their light, the beauty of their bond and the secret of their solitude. Through the creation of those glittering tones, we are inspired to explore this world and to seek our place within it. For stars are the duirwaighs to dreams and wishes come true, and as the music they sing cascades over us every night, we know that we are free to be joyous and to believe and that they are gazing back at us in return.

Brightly-spun, wonder-woven,
Lady Faemore Lorei


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